

Thursday, July 17, 2014

friday morning

friday morning is especially worse for me because it reminds me that it's going to be Saturday the following day. Every Saturday is just a nightmare coming to life. I will have to steam school for at least eight hours and be ready for reservations and exams that are being handed by sometimes, not so friendly professors. so today I'm trying to finish every thing that I have in my plate, I have my work and i need to expedite the process, so that I can still find time to study my lesson for this afternoon's taxation class, and for tomorrow's deadly subjects.

and just to give you a little bit of an update with regard to the weather, it's generally sunny here in my place but there was a forecast last night that we will be having some tropical depression comes tomorrow or sometime next week. so I guess, I would just like to wish everyone driving weekend, and just be ready for the next week's storm.

once again I am not typing this things down, Siri Does this for me so if there is, in a way, something that is quite unsightly in 
terms of grammar please forgive me I just don't have the time to edit them all out. All i wanted to do is just talk and let the computer Do the writing for me.

hello, I am back!

wow, it's been a while since I last checked this blog and I will have to admit that they really miss this blog site so much. right now because I'm too lazy I'm just dictating to my iPad the things that i write here.  it's pretty convenient because I don't have to do anything and just have to talk and the software does the writing for me, so great! 

today I am there's really nothing much that I would like to talk about. However, I am very much interested to let you know that I'm back with me usual schedule, and that next week I will have my prelims exam. so when everyone else is super Busy studying their lessons I'm here still working and trying to find time to update my blog, and i would really like to thank Siri and Apple for making my life very much easier.

I never really thought that writing blogs will be this easy.  i'm trying to juggle a whole lot of things I have work I have classes every afternoon and I also have made parenting tasks because of my nephew, but I am very much grateful that I'm still able to remain on top of the situation despite the busy schedule and everything else.

I have so many plans in mind, I think I will need to go back to my hometown where I will be revising my Internet café business, and then but the play on office there and try to hire as many people as I can so that I can help them out. Also I am thinking of looking for a better place where I can keep all the things that I hoarded over the months that I've stayed here safely.

so today when I'm just trying to tell you that I am back and I know that I can update my blog as often asI would want to because it now it's easier and it's more user-friendly. But since I'm looking forward to a very difficult exam in the coming weeks I might not I might not be able to update the blog site for a while but I promise to get back to you.

sit back and relax ladies and gentlemen I will rest my case but I will be back with a vengeance!