

Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Sermon

I've been quite for a while because if I keep on rambling I know I'll just be talking of the very same topic I promised myself not to mention anymore.

Today is our church's 20th anniversary so I came home a little bit late than my normal Sunday church-exodus routine. I skipped two consecutive services prior today because I was unintentionally not around. I went home to do errands for my sister. I know, I sound defensive,  well only because your evil smirk comes in handy whenever I babble on religious stuff, as always. I don't need to explain myself to you but just so you'll have your taste of victory, I will.

I haven't been an active church goer since a major issue involving a member of my  family and the people within the church came up. It's too personal an issue that I don't like to discuss any further so take off that curios look. That won't work, believe me. I used to be the front guy in all our activities, in fact, I was the church band's lead vocal. But something's just not right so I decided to step aside, contemplate and look at God with a normal-church member's eye and not with the pseudo-prodigy one.  It's doing me good because my chances of coming across pretensions are slimmer. When you're up there, you got to be almost perfect like that but deep down you know that you're just as unworthy as everyone else. So you make a gull out of yourself by trying to meet the standards and keep up with the expectations.

I know serving God is a struggle especially when you're surrounded by people who loves to be a stumbling block rather than a faith booster. I don't generalize, there are really some with rightly placed intentions but I can point them out easily. That is a sad reality that confronts almost every church because people nowadays are too succumb to doing what they and the others think as right but is in a complete diversion from God's. That isn't an excuse enough to go unruly to God or to the church leaders at least but that drives others to conceal themselves in the guise of affectionate smiles and all which are not helpful. Can we put an end to that or we'll just have to deal with that since that has become a trend?  I feel sorry for those people who are a little bit more righteous than myself for being stereotyped as such only because some of the so-called brothers and sisters have tarnished the supposedly upright impression of the church in general. So we can't hold our pastor or the elders responsible when people come and go right after. Blame yourselves, or let's blame ourselves, just so I don't sound like Pilate.

But blaming doesn't solve the problem as it only adds to the complexity of the issue all the more. I think it is only through trusting God and letting His will be done that this setback can be rectified. And let's just all be true to ourselves, after all nothing is concealed from the Creator.


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