

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dear Shem


The last thing I want to do is hurt you. I love you so much that I'm willing to give you everything. I'm sorry that you have to go through all these. You're young but you seem to have the entire world on your shoulders and some things that are better locked away from you congesting your head right now. Is that the reason why you lack interest for school or your sudden change in attitude? You're not like that before. You are loving , caring, respectful and bright little kid. But all these things changed you.And every time I think about you I cry. You mean the whole world to me that whenever I scold you, I feel the pain ten folds. But I have to, if I don't who else will? I don't want you to grow up lost and unguided. So no matter how much you'll hate me for being the bad guy, I will always stand right here, watching over you. I'm doing that at my expense because we're family.And because I love you so much. I wasn't happy when I hit you today. Do you think I enjoy seeing you crying?Did you ever believe that I will find enjoyment in your pains? NO. I did that because you have to learn.  I want you to go above all these, unaffected. I want you to become who you are and not to be somebody else driven by hatred. I just want you to know that I love you so much. And if only I can take all these pains and situations away from you. I would but since I can't, I'll just stick with you along the way even if that would entail you hating me.


Tito Rommel


Anonymous said...

shem is so blessed to have you. guiding him for becoming a better person/man someday. -TRES

Rommel John said...

Thanks Ash. :)

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