

Friday, August 12, 2011


Anyone has blurted that out in sheer disgust. The conversation between you and your langga is reaching a climax then ..tadaaa! you run out of text credits. Annoying, I know. Especially when you talk of things that  can spell the future of your relationship.

Not too long ago before the unlimited texts offers  have become household names, I spend at least 90 pesos for my load per day. And if worse comes to worst, that will extend up to 120 pesos then that's already goodbye textmate see you again tomorrow. Texting is a lifestyle especially for us Filipinos. We wouldn't be called the 'Texting Capital' of the world for nothing. Big Telecom companies relish this kind of psych that we seem to adopt since the introduction of this new form of communication medium. Their revenues are rising per yer and they even battle in unhealthy competition just to remain on top. Sun, as we know it will be the little daughter of the telecom giant Smart leaving Globe in complete helplessness. There's a legal battle going on right now but we don't seem to care. Alright, there are more pressing concerns than that. So despite the bearing the result may hold on us in the future we remain utterly indifferent. 

When Sen. Enrile fought for the extension of the expiration of our cellphone load I felt a sudden relief because that will entail savings beyond what we have ever thought of. Sure enough,our load can now hang around longer than what used to be three days for an economy package. But what pushed the honorable senator to fight off the old profiteering  modus operandi? Wasn't it the uncalled-for filch that these companies have been causing us Filipinos dearly? Bleh!You barked at the wrong tree, if you thought that you can get past that with Manong Johnny like what you did to us ,ordinary subscribers, you are sooo wrong.

Now the domino effect continues. From that load expiry extension, to pushing for free SMS credits to cheaper call rates, the good news seem to fall like mannas from heaven .We feel triumphant as we notice the competition to favor us all the more. Unlimited call packages are taking over the [tele]communications industry. They're much cheaper and sometimes go along with data packages which are totally unnecessary for someone like me with a Nokia3310 phone.

Of course, everything has changed. But if you're unemployed and with an allowance that can hardly suffice your needs in a week, damn, you'll howl ' Check OP' hoarse in the middle of the night. What a jargon! 


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