

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I am over you

         Just woke up to a cool Friday morning feeling awfully good while being considerably intoxicated. and yes, I am nursing this very nasty hangover but this is not another drunken conversation. I really wish that I am over you, but by mere writing this I know I'm not and I still have a long way to go. No, the rhum didn't  wash away my pains but it numbed me a bit. I thought that all the agonies will be left to yesterday but I still carry them like they've become an important part of my anatomy.
      This is completely irrational,I know. Who can get over a heartbreak in just a night? But this is my only consolation , my make-believe is the only life raft I know I can hold on to to keep me afloat. So I think that I'm over you L*#%. And this is the last time you'll hear me on this.


Today marks the start of hunting season. Don't get in the waaaay.


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