

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Spoiled Brat in your face.
(photo credit: Google)

That infamous remark came from someone who is so full of herself in the person of Zambales Rep. Magsaysay. The words are a pang already but the blunt delivery brought the entire verbal barb into a  severe enormity. Perhaps for the trodden Sec. Carandang that was way overboard. Arrogant,immature and spoiled brat are strong and distasteful words to describe a rookie cabinet secretary. But not if he truly deserves them.

It was like a teacher giving an aberrant pupil a lesson on humility. The Hon. Congresswoman has made her points clear not only with her verbal emphasis but with all her intricate arm gestures. And the poor cabinet secretary stared at her with seeming amazement as she slowly dismantles his political ambitions. Indeed, too bad for Sec. Carandang that it all happened in national TV.  It was, nonetheless, a minus pogi-points for him.

For someone unaware of the whole fiasco like me, the lady legislator has prevailed over the more eloquent  secretary in that spectacle. His uncertain tone and obvious bluffing displayed how weak his arguments were and how utterly unprepared he was while his adversary threw questions of significance one after another. 

Rep. Mitos pointed out clearly that everything needs not to be expensive. If a cheaper device can do what Mac can, why choose the latter? That alone is a crystal-clear message which over-shadowed Sec. Ricky's good reasons on choosing the high-end devices.

Given the economic conditions our beloved country is in, as well as with the immediate repatriation need of our OFWs  from war-torn countries like Libya, the rising number of dengue casualties and the natural calamities that batter our archipelago, how can you get so luxurious like that? The security of communication afforded by Blackberry,I believe, can be offered by other brands, too. If only they know how to scout around. 

It's in times like this that everyone needs to be  frugal and practical.There are more important concerns that persons in authority need to spend our meager money for. The decisiveness of a leader is reflected even on the things he chooses to promote the public welfare. And Sec. Carandang failed even in that aspect alone. So if ever he has ambitions to run, he must prove me wrong first before he gets my vote.

You Brat! 


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