

Monday, August 8, 2011

Indolence (and this module)

The module is at the right side of my computer ,prolly cursing me now, vying for my immediate attention since I'm already a year behind the scheduled submission. Yes, a year late yet I still have the nerve to write about something else.

Getting the job done is never an issue for an average Filipino, but getting the job done ON TIME is an entirely different story. How many college students have been cramming and a little bit panicky just trying to beat the deadline for a project? I ,for one, best personify the bahala na  attitude known to be innate in almost every Noypi. And I think that it's not an issue about time-consciousness but rather a  question of our inherent attitude that has subsisted since time immemorial---indolence. Sometimes it's not about that. We do things by whim,we watch TV, surf the net, read a book ,etc. and just plainly disregard the vital tasks that we are ought to finish. I don't know how to label that. Either complete indifference or utter stupidity. Whatsoever.

Whatever that is, that's totally unhealthy. But getting to the bottom of that is difficult. That is innate,remember? So you can't just go ahead and put an end to my being lazy unless you want me killed. But of course this is  not an entirely hopeless case. The antidote to laziness is yet to be manufactured. So for now, let's bear with the stress and constant disappointments as by products of our laudable attitude. If those are not compelling enough for you to get the job done (and ) on time, let your laziness meddle with your breathing patterns.


Anonymous said...

This is nicely written. ako nga minsan ganyan din.

Rommel John said...

Hi anonymous, thanks. this applies to all yata so normal lang yan:)

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