

Sunday, August 14, 2011


I have to get off writing serious types of articles so I'm here again. Though my time for you has been seriously cut off to a length that can only cater short posts such as this. 

I just want you to know that I'm very busy with my new found,home-based employment. My sleeping time is declining steadily this past week. Now, as of this writing, I'm being lulled to doze off by my kamalig's soothing temperature.But I just can't.I have 4 articles to write and 3 or 4 queued for editing. Everything must be submitted today. So I'm going to need coffee which by the way is my last resort.

Eunice is right behind me doing her job while an Avril song is blasting from her netbook's speaker.I wan't to tell you how we want to keep this job but that can be a subject of my next blog post as my very short time is already running out. 


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