

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dear Blog


If I'm not going to mean it I will not be able to write you. My work-related articles are starting to pile-up and they're getting more complicated everyday. I haven't started anything yet, there are 6 articles due tomorrow but I'm just not in shape to brainstorm.The keywords are totally foreign so it's a bit of a challenge. If there's one thing I am thankful about this job other than the set-up and the convenience it affords me, it's the chance to broaden my learning scopes. The more I research on things my blog contents require me to look for, the more I become aware of other things I'd usually snob on normal occasions and of course  my seeming limitations. If others have a room for improvement, I have a continent.

The idea of spending most of the time online with monetary benefits is just so inspiring. Prior to this, my cyber-life revolved around Facebook or YouTube which became boring every minute. Now they're just my diversion when my mind is a little tired of writing about serious matters. But of course, there's you,my true companion and the only one I confide to . Now that I've limited my view-able information on Facebook., they might find me too cagey unless they see you. When I vent out my frustrations, especially about my unpredictable lovelife, you're lending me that listening ears with patience and without interruptions. I din't hide you from them, if they discover you on their own, please welcome them with open arms. And without any reservations, tell them what you know. I'll not get mad at you. You have my permission. For now, let me just thank you for lending me a portion of your space to say all these again. I can't tell when's the next confession but I know you'll still be around anyways.



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