

Thursday, July 17, 2014

hello, I am back!

wow, it's been a while since I last checked this blog and I will have to admit that they really miss this blog site so much. right now because I'm too lazy I'm just dictating to my iPad the things that i write here.  it's pretty convenient because I don't have to do anything and just have to talk and the software does the writing for me, so great! 

today I am there's really nothing much that I would like to talk about. However, I am very much interested to let you know that I'm back with me usual schedule, and that next week I will have my prelims exam. so when everyone else is super Busy studying their lessons I'm here still working and trying to find time to update my blog, and i would really like to thank Siri and Apple for making my life very much easier.

I never really thought that writing blogs will be this easy.  i'm trying to juggle a whole lot of things I have work I have classes every afternoon and I also have made parenting tasks because of my nephew, but I am very much grateful that I'm still able to remain on top of the situation despite the busy schedule and everything else.

I have so many plans in mind, I think I will need to go back to my hometown where I will be revising my Internet café business, and then but the play on office there and try to hire as many people as I can so that I can help them out. Also I am thinking of looking for a better place where I can keep all the things that I hoarded over the months that I've stayed here safely.

so today when I'm just trying to tell you that I am back and I know that I can update my blog as often asI would want to because it now it's easier and it's more user-friendly. But since I'm looking forward to a very difficult exam in the coming weeks I might not I might not be able to update the blog site for a while but I promise to get back to you.

sit back and relax ladies and gentlemen I will rest my case but I will be back with a vengeance!


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