

Sunday, August 26, 2012

I'm in Law School ( So, what?)

It took me a long while to reopen my blog. As far as I can remember, the most recent post was made last January of this year and I have nobody else to blame, but me. I have been too busy with just about everything that I eventually forgot that I keep a blog. While it's not really mandatory that I  keep it updated, not being able to write something (yes, even frivolities) defeats the purpose of maintaining a blog in the first place.  So here I am again.

I'm finally in Law School now after years of contemplating on whether I should proceed or not. The choice was not made drastically as it deprived me of sleep for weeks. Since I left school after graduation in 2009, my life has been a constant up and down. That could have been the reason why it took me a while to really decide. I landed a good paying job and got sick because of the work schedule so I took freelance works online and eventually saved enough to let me start my own internet cafe business. Nothing was easy, especially because there were targets to meet and competitions (most of the time unhealthy) to put up with, but everything has eventually paid off. Now my life as a student is much easier in Law than what it was when I was still in college. The ROI of my business, although not big, is what's keeping me afloat. Most of the time, it affords me of my caprices. 

Law school has its own perks, but it definitely has its own droops, too. It feels good to be praised for being in Law school, but the pressure and expectations can put that sparkle on the sideline. For one, there are lawyer professors you need to be in good terms with. Then, there are tons of reading materials to devour and lengthy Supreme Court cases to digest. I thought it will deprive you of your love life, until I was proven wrong by a person named French who has been with me since the school year commenced. I'm sure that the early days of Law school could have been more difficult without her. So, thank God!

The first few nights of being in Law have been hellish. You need to force shove learning down your throat and that you need to choose between forcing yourself to learn it or die. But the days that followed are quite different. Your teacher becomes friendlier and you sporadically recite in class because they do all the talking. (Sigh of relief here!) 

It's not even midterm yet and I feel exhausted already. I can hardly find the right motivation to read all the shit books (not even my unsightly prelim scores). We'll have our midterm exams the week after next, and I can't afford to be lazy. French has been my good source of inspiration and sanity for a few months now, but I know that if I really want to do good this time the drive has to come from me. 

So I'll pause for now to get some sleep because I MIGHT study Constitutional Law tonight.